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Happy Birthday

In two days we'll have 15th celebration of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai's 'birthday'…wonderful opportunity to start with a new blog. If you (still) don't know, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai are our family Deities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu. They have appeared on the auspicious day of Bhismastami which corresponded to Valentine's Day that year.

There was wonderful festival held in Their honour, many devotees were present and we served a nice feast at the end.

Since that day, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai are constantly pouring blessings on our family and are constant source of inspiration to continue with the spiritual practice. We'll try to illustrate this fact by keeping this blog hopefully to find the (missing) link between our daily activities and Their invisible hands.

For now, just take a look at the picture from Their installation ceremony which happened on 14th of February 1997 in our flat in Zagreb…

For the skeptics, we'll show you how They're looking these days, actually I promise to post Their photo from the Fridays' ceremony. Stay tuned.

p.s. Not to forget — tomorrow is another auspicious day for those wanting to advance in their spiritual life: appearance day of Srila Advaita Acarya.


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