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How/What to Preach

Today is disappearance day of Srila Prabhupada and, after long pause on my blog, I’d like to post my comment which was submitted to Dandavats site as a comment to this thread.


29.12.2020 17:28 · gour · 39 Comments

Madhyama-adhikari Can Act as a Diksha Guru

(This post was originally published at Sampradaya Sun site.)

In the course of my regular reading of Srimad Bhagavatam, I've stumbled upon a nice quote from Srila Prabhupada in regard to the exchange going on between H.H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami and H.G. Sattvic Prabhu. Let me state that I've read the post with Sattvic Prabhu's questions and listened the whole lecture given by Bhakti Vikasa Maharaja, answering all the points raised by Sattvic Prabhu.


29.12.2020 17:19 · gour · 207 Comments

14th Anniversary

On Friday, 11th of February there was 14th anniversary since Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai appeared in our home. There was not such a big festival as during the inauguration ceremony when there was more then 60 devotees attending.

Moreover, this year my mother decided to invite some of our most close neighbours1), serve them prasadam and show video filmed during the installation ceremony in 1997.

So, when our guests arrived at 5pm, we gave them something to eat…


29.12.2020 16:54 · gour · 2 Comments

Happy Birthday

In two days we'll have 15th celebration of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai's 'birthday'…wonderful opportunity to start with a new blog. If you (still) don't know, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai are our family Deities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu. They have appeared on the auspicious day of Bhismastami which corresponded to Valentine's Day that year.

There was wonderful festival held in Their honour, many devotees were present and we served a nice feast at the end.


26.12.2020 13:13 · gour · 17 Comments

Blog Entries

They are not devotees in the sense that they are not practising spiritual life in a way which we do.
start.txt · Last modified: 30.12.2020 08:05 by gour